Marketing Strategies to Improve Workplace Safety

Categories: Other, Recruitment Advice, Trends and Learning

As we approach mid-March, the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for an entire year is not lost on us. A global health crisis that shut down whole cities and industries, the Coronavirus has definitely had a profound impact on the way we live and work. But, perhaps more than anything, it has made us aware of just how fragile our own wellbeing could be.

Today, things are still rocky, especially for the traditional office setting.

Yes, some places are reopening office buildings, following strict protocols, and doing their best to keep employees safe. However, it’s clear for anyone to see that workplace safety has changed considerably during the past year. 

And, it turns out, marketing strategies might just be the solution we need for keeping employees well and healthy from here on out.

Using External Strategies for Internal Results

Traditionally, people think about marketing strategies as a way to boost sales, raise awareness, or convince customers to lay their trust in a company. And while there are millions of ways to approach those objectives, very few organizations stop to think about how they can use marketing internally.

After all, public opinion can be altered with a well-worded statement or attractive visual. So, the same approach could also work to raise employee awareness, especially in a post-pandemic workplace.

Using the same principles that appeal to consumers, business leaders can raise awareness amongst their employees, offer education on select topics, appeal to new talent, and even connect with their customers over the shared values of putting workplace safety first.

But how exactly can they do that?

Internal Communication Methods

Perhaps the most obvious way of using a marketing strategy to advance organizational culture is by making full use of internal communication methods.

Large organizations often have employee newsletters, which can be used for sharing relevant information, offering insights, and contributing to an engaged culture. And, as a natural continuation of these actions, a series of emails could also help you build safety awareness among your staff.

For example, you can share updates about your company-wide safety protocol. Or invite staff to take a quick survey to learn about their knowledge. Even adding a reminder for employees to stay safe and healthy to your regular newsletter can contribute to the workplace culture.

Of course, to get the best possible results, make sure that your emails are engaging, sent at the right time, and that they offer value for your employees, instead of being just another piece of junk mail in their inbox.

Printed Materials

Although you may think of visual content as a way to appeal to audiences, it’s good to remember that it can be used for internal purposes too. 

Not only does visual data allow you to inject your message with the essence of your brand’s visual identity. But even more, it can help you communicate your messages more effectively, seeing how the human brain shows a preference towards visuals over words.

So, you can add signage to your office space that reminds employees and visitors to stick to safety protocols (be it wearing a mask, a hard-hat, or reminding them to wash their hands for 20 seconds). Or, you can use it to help implement said protocols more effectively. 

For example, does your space require employees to keep a distance or move through space in a particular matter? If so, then custom-made signs could help them remember and follow these rules without being overwhelming or complicated.

Safety-Oriented Freebies

One of the go-to marketing strategies businesses always turn to is offering freebies or discounts to new and returning customers. And, if your goal is to improve workplace safety, you could apply the same principle to your employees.

Say, for example, that your office team needs to go through basic fire safety training. Presenting the course as a necessity could cause disgruntlement. After all, most people already have enough on their plates without having to go through tedious drills they might never use. 

However, if you offer an incentive for workers to complete the course, such as a free meal, an extra day off, or the possibility of completing the course online from the comfort of their homes, you might just see a very different approach.

Online Presence

Finally, if workplace safety is something you hold important for your company, it’s not a bad idea to give it the space it deserves throughout all your distribution channels.

Dedicate a part of your company website to the reasons you want to improve workplace safety. Share updates about your efforts on social media or your blog. You can even create engaging pieces of content about the measures you’re taking to ensure your workers are safe and sound.

You might think this approach strange, but it’s actually a great marketing strategy if you’re passionate about employee wellbeing. 

For one, it will help your potential clients see your commitment to your workforce, which may convince them that you’re the ideal brand for them to support. Secondly, it may become a part of your recruiting strategy as more and more employees prioritize wellbeing and work-life balance over monetary compensation.

Final Words

Workplace safety is often considered to be just another hoop employers have to jump through. And, sure, the rules can be overwhelming, particularly in high-risk industries. 

However, it’s important to remember that safety isn’t just about meeting regulations. It’s also about putting the wellbeing of your employees first and allowing them to thrive under your direction. And, as you can see, the ordeal doesn’t have to be considered a nuisance. 

You can build a safety-oriented culture in your organization with subtle marketing strategies that’ll bring in great results. Use them well, and you won’t just see a great employee response. Even more, you’ll reap the benefits in all other areas of your work as well.

Sarah Kaminski