The Remodeling of the HR Function

Categories: Advice for HR Professionals, Infographics

Human Resources is swift evolving and turning into something more refined and effective as time passes. If you are wondering about the recent expansion of the HR function & what the leaders of this field are contributing to these developments, take a glance atHuman Resources is swift evolving and turning into something more refined and effective as time passes. If you are wondering about the recent expansion of the HR function & what the leaders of this field are contributing to these developments, take a glance atTop Chro’s new infographic – The Evolution of the HR Leader & widen your knowledge on this subject.

A discipline that began over a century ago, Human Resources is taking many twists and turns like a roller coaster ride to transform into a better version of itself. And, HR leaders are the drivers of this change. So, how is this taking place?

The HR function is taking a new shape and there is a multitude of ways in which this happening. The top latest developments in the HR sector are:

1. HR Digitalization

There is no aspect of business that has not been disarranged or remolded by latest technology and HR is no different. Though it deals with the human side of a company, it doesn’t mean that HR can keep its eyes closed to the technological advancements taking place every now and then.

HR leaders are making a profound effort to digitize most of the tedious tasks that prevent HR professionals from taking up bigger responsibilities. It is believed that employee experience, as well as productivity, can be majorly enhanced by the judicious optimization of technologies like Human Resources Management Systems & various employee engagement tools. To tell the truth, 94% of CHROs are scheming to digitalize HR in the coming 1-3 years, as depicted by the Top Chro infographic.

2. Continuous Performance Management

What many professionals do not realize is that performance management is a continuous, ongoing procedure. It fosters a constant association between employees and their supervisors throughout the year so that the organization’s strategic objectives are met timely and effectively. Managing performance in episodes is a massive issue within the HR realm. Believe it or not, only 4 % of Human resources leaders think that their firm assesses performance meticulously.

3. Boost Employee Experience

Providing a pleasant experience to employees is a top concern for entrepreneurs since humans are the most valuable asset they own. From the technology that the staff uses to the relation that they make in the workplace to the physical atmosphere that they work in, everything is counted within employee experience. And, if the HR people cannot get this right, it gives a bad image of their employer brand in the industry. This being the case, 60% of leaders in human resources are implementing state-of-the-art technology to enhance employee experience.

Research says that 85% of workers are not motivated and engaged enough to perform well in the workplace. This fact can be altered if:

  • Managers are more involved in the success of the personnel
  • Managers showcase concern about their subordinate’s professional development
  • Employees are able to see how their work contributes to the success of the firm
  • The work of employees is rewarded as well as appreciated

Ariaa Reeds