How the Workplace Is Changing in 2018

Categories: Infographics, Other

The globe? It’s getting to be a smaller and smaller place, where the borders, especially the ones that connect companies with their customers, are getting more amorphous.

And the global nature of the economy is being affected by changes in the workplace and cultural shifts, too. For example, as people all over the globe reach retirement age, they’re being replaced by people who are younger and have other skills and priorities. For example, first of all those millennials coming into the workplace for the first time are digital natives. They’re also interested in more than just pay; a well-rounded benefits package makes them able to achieve a better work-life balance. And that, in turn, is affecting what companies are offering to their potential employees. (In fact, companies are already pushed to more inventive packages because they’re competing for more qualified workers.)

What else is changing the workplace across the globe? This graphic explains it.

How the Workplace Is Changing in 2018 InfoGraphics

Abby Quillen