9 ways to get over the mid-afternoon slump without coffee

Categories: Other

Can you remember the last time you got through a day without a little bit of tiredness? It happens. We all have a lot on our plates right now. Many of us are working from home and managing children who are doing school at home, too. The stresses and strains of the extra burdens we’re all carrying have many of us sleeping less, or sleeping less well, and eating poorly, too. And it may be difficult for many to get the amount of exercise we need to in order to maintain our best health.

But when you’re slumped in the middle of the day, you might want to turn to a warm cup of coffee. However, doing so can make it so that you aren’t able to fall asleep easily, too. So instead of turning to caffeine, what else can you do? This graphic offers some ideas that are healthier.

Krista Wolfe
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