The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way many people think about work and how it fits into their lives. In the past, most employees would happily go to work in the name of routine and supporting their families. However, the pandemic made many people think about the fragility of life and whether it’s really necessary to go to an office every day for a company that doesn’t seem to appreciate them. It’s gotten to the point that now, employees have the upper hand, and they are demanding that their employers show them the respect that they deserve.
Companies that refuse to put the proper perks and programs in place to improve employee engagement may see their employees quit their jobs en masse, which could ultimately affect their bottom line. Here are the six tips for prioritizing your staff before it’s too late.
1. Show Appreciation For A Job Well Done
When you actively try to improve employee engagement, you’re keeping employees at their desks and encouraging them to do their best work. When your employees are happy, you’ll
likely see them improve the experiences of your customers because they’ll be less stressed and more encouraged to do what’s right during every interaction. Employees who are appreciated are more likely to care about their company, and they’ll want to see it succeed. If you’re receiving a lot of negative customer feedback, then it’s possible that your employees aren’t engaged, so changes need to be made.
When management gets positive feedback from a customer via email or phone call, make it a point to show appreciation to the employee who assisted them. You can send a “thank you” email, provide kudos to them during a public meeting, or give them a gift like a certificate or a gift card. The employee will appreciate the gesture, and other team members will see it as well and strive to get that same reward or kind words.
2. Consider A Remote Arrangement
Some business owners can be a bit hesitant to transition to a remote team, but doing so could significantly increase employee engagement and even help your company’s bottom line. As far as the workforce is concerned, you’re likely to see a boost in productivity since many employees can focus more at home than in a busy office. Employees who work from home are also more likely to have a better work-life balance and be generally happier, which reduces absenteeism, so they’re always at work when you need them. All-in-all, you’ll have a team of people who are more eager to work, and they’ll appreciate the flexibility that your company provides.
Your company can also save money and resources with a remote team because you won’t be required to spend as much money on desk space or utilities when people aren’t in a physical office. When you don’t have to keep the lights on in an office all day, you also help the planet by reducing your dependence on the burning of fossil fuels. In the end, everyone wins.
3. Be Flexible
Another way to create a work-life balance is to be more flexible regarding schedules and employee needs. If your employee reaches out because they need to take care of their kids for part of the day or attend doctor visits and ask for a flexible schedule, consider allowing the request.
This arrangement should be a no-brainer if their work can be completed at any time. You might just have your dream team! Let them start later in the day and make up the hours at the end of the shift, or vice versa. The point is to show your team that you value them as human beings with real feelings and responsibilities outside of work. The employees will likely share their gratitude through their work.
4. Create A Route To Advancement
Many employees are leaving their current jobs because they are fine taking the risk of returning
to the applicant pool if it will help them land a better career opportunity. Instead of losing your team that way, give them a roadmap to success where they are now. Managers should make it a point to reach out to each employee regularly. Ask them how comfortable they are in their current role. Probe for where they hope to see themselves in the coming months and years.
If they are interested in a job that your company can provide, give them a route to advancement. Tell them what roles they will need to get along the way and the skills they’ll need to learn to get there. Then, check in every other month or so and support them in their needs along the way. Employees who know they can continue growing with the organization are more likely to give 100%.
5. Communicate Frequently
Employees also tend to be more engaged when they know management’s there to support them and provide expectations that they can meet every day whether offshore or face-to-face. Every morning, greet your team and tell them the goals for the day. Then, go to each employee and provide their tasks and a realistic deadline. This isn’t micromanaging. It’s holding the team accountable, and they will respect that.
6. Build Rapport And Do The Little Things
When creating an engaged team, you don’t necessarily need to make sweeping gestures because sometimes the little things make all the difference. Buy your team lunch monthly, get a cake and publicly celebrate their birthdays, and provide free drinks in the break room. All these actions can help management build rapport with their staff and create an in-office family. Just ensure you don’t single out any employees and treat everyone equally so they know they’re appreciated.
This is a short list of habits and programs you can implement to make your team feel appreciated every day at work. Go above and beyond to show your employees how precious and important they are because the rewards will be well worth the effort.
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